March 30, 2013

Note in Response to the Providence Journal

Justin Katz

Because Providence Journal staff writer Lynn Arditi never made any attempt, of which I'm aware, to contact me or anybody associated with the Ocean State Current while writing her article,"Overtime reports inflated, say R.I. officials," a few moments of a Saturday morning are justified for response.

In the article, the Projo reports on the payroll controversy that we reported in three articles this week (here, here, and here). Arditi's failure to seek comment from — or even to name — the people whose credibility her article attacks is in stark contrast to the response that the story has gotten from all of the following local media sources, most of whom also contacted government officials for their explanation of the payroll numbers.

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"One impediment to reducing overtime, Wall said, is a union contract rule that entitles state corrections employees to “double-time and a half” pay whenever they work during a storm. So an employee who normally earned $10 an hour, he said, would earn $25 an hour during a storm."

$10 an hour. LMAO!!!

Posted by: Max D at March 30, 2013 12:30 PM

They must be severely overworked at the Providence Journal if they only have time to solicit comment from one side of a story, anonymous no less. Perhaps they should be paid time and a half for writing these half-baked articles.

Posted by: Dan at March 30, 2013 1:22 PM

Is it news to anyone that Rhode Island has needed a "good newspaper" for a very long time?

Prior to the outbreak of WWI, the New York Times would lead stories with "today the Providence Journal reports". And, of course, the editor gave us Weimaraners. The editor was married to the German Ambassadors sister, or some such.

Posted by: Warrington Faust at March 30, 2013 2:06 PM

"union contract rule that entitles state corrections employees to “double-time and a half” pay whenever they work during a storm."

And what do linemen for the power companies get?

Posted by: Warrington Faust at March 30, 2013 2:08 PM

And the state leaders accuse the municipal leaders of not being able to negotiate successful cost savings into contracts?


Posted by: John at March 30, 2013 5:32 PM
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