May 9, 2011

RIRA "Conservative Comedy Night" PAC Fundraiser on May 21

Community Crier

The Rhode Island Republican Assembly PAC will be hosting a "Conservative Comedy Night" Fundraiser, featuring "Conservative Liberal Jewish" Californian Comedian Eric Golub on Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 21st, 2011.

The fundraiser will be held at the Manville Sportsmen's Rod & Gun Club, at 250 High Street, in Manville (Lincoln), RI. Check-in begins at 6:30 p.m. The dinner show will begin at 7:00 p.m.

In addition to our featured comedian, we will also be "lightly roasting" the following local politicos: John Robitaille, Rep. Doreen Costa, Rep. Mike Chippendale, Rep. Dan Gordon, and Sen. Beth Moura. Additionally, a great Italian buffet dinner will feature roasted chicken, pasta, salad, and dessert, with a cash bar.

The cost to attend this fun event is only $35.00 per person or $60.00 per couple. As May 21st is Armed Forces Day, we will be recognizing U.S. military veterans, who can attend for $30.00 each.

Your RSVP in advance would be appreciated for planning purposes. Funds generated from this event will be used to support local conservative Republican candidates. Please make checks payable to "RIRA-PAC." To reserve your tickets today, please mail your request and personal check to:

RIRA-PAC, 19 Bakers Creek Road, Warwick, RI 02886

You may also pay for your tickets by credit card using the drop-down menu at or by sending funds to RIRA-PAC directly through PayPal to:

For any inquiries about this event, please contact RIRA President Raymond T. McKay at (401) 487-2514 or by e-mail, at .