August 16, 2010

No Dilemma. An Accurate Accounting.

Justin Katz

It looks like the effort has begun, in earnest, to invalidate pending graduation requirements, rather than acknowledge that Rhode Island's current way of doing elementary and secondary education isn't working:

Thousands of incoming high school juniors may be unable to graduate in June 2012 because of tougher graduation requirements, and state education officials are beginning to grapple with the consequences of their new high standards.

Starting with the Class of 2012, high school seniors must have scored at least "partially-proficient" on the state tests in English and math in order to graduate. The tests are administered during their junior year.

If the new diploma system had been in full effect the last two years, nearly half of the state's juniors would have been at risk of not graduating because of poor performance on the math portion of the state tests. Forty-five percent of juniors scored in the lowest possible category, "substantially below proficient."

Let's be clear: These aren't "the consequences of new high standards"; they're the consequences of a failure to meet any standards at all. If the great majority of students were just barely missing adequate performance, then the aggressiveness of the standards might merit some adjustment. That's not the case. Half of Rhode Island's juniors aren't even close. And this explanation only brushes the underlying issue:

State education officials acknowledge that making these changes has been daunting, given the nature of the work and the scarcity of resources.

Scarcity of resources? Rhode Island devotes top-quintile amounts of money to education. The only reason resources for reform can possibly be said to be scarce is that they are locked up in personnel costs for a workforce that is unable or unwilling to perform to expectations. Our entire education structure is built in such a way as to put the compensation and employment satisfaction of adults first on its list of priorities.

As long as Rhode Island tiptoes around the union issue — with all of the legal binds for which unions and other insiders have labored over the decades — our students will continue to suffer. Making it easier for them to graduate will only paper over the problem, exacerbating the harm done to the young adults of Rhode Island.

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Here's a novel idea; Passing with a C is 70%-80%. A B is 80% to 89%. An A is 90% to 100%.

Anything under 69%, you fail.

If most of the class fails, you have a problem with the teacher. If most of the class passes, you have a problem with the kids.

Put the blame for underachieving and poor test results back where it belongs. With those who fail.

Posted by: michael at August 16, 2010 2:58 PM

Maybe we can give everyone an attendance trophy. Then everyone will "feel" successful.

The way to success is to undo many of the things done in the name of reform. To assume that "every" child can "achieve" t high levels is self-delusional; and that's pretty much what educational leaders are these days.

Posted by: John at August 16, 2010 3:00 PM

Why is this a problem for the teachers? Haven't we heard enough over the last year that the failure of the students is the parents' fault?

And I agree with Michael's assertion, as was recently described in the NYTimes recently about the HS in Mt. Olive, NJ, get rid of the D option. Heck, I'll just pimp my link to it again:

Posted by: Patrick at August 16, 2010 4:40 PM
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