March 22, 2010

Not a Telethon, Just a Note

Community Crier

We know as well as anybody that times continue to be difficult — financially harrowing, even — and we're not going to make a daily habit of begging for your limited resources. But please do consider helping us keep up the fight. A great deal of work goes into Anchor Rising each day, and the comprehensiveness of its content is only limited by time, which in turn is only limited by our need to put food on the table.

Please, if you have the means, consider supporting us in our work.

Subscriptions of $0.25 per day (payments of $7.60 per month) and donations of any size may be made using credit cards via PayPal (no PayPal account is necessary) by clicking the following:

Those who would prefer the more direct route of checks or money orders can make them out to Anchor Rising and send them to:

Anchor Rising
P.O. Box 751
Portsmouth, RI 02871

For advertising, whether along the sides of the blog or as one of these here Community Crier posts, email Justin.