January 22, 2007

Antiwarriors in Translation

Justin Katz

Such letters aren't usually (or now, to be honest with you) worthy of comment, but for some reason, this evening, I can't resist. To quote John Leistritz of Pawtucket:

President Bush’s so-called new strategy for the war in Iraq is actually more of the same — only it commits more U.S. troops to a region being devoured by a civil war. ...

I wholeheartedly support the efforts of Democratic leaders to move towards bringing troops home, and giving responsibility to the Iraqi people for their future.

And to translate:

I wholeheartedly support the efforts of Democratic leaders to once again diminish the global and domestic importance of the American military, allowing the Iraqi people to slip into a massively bloody civil war with certain repercussions for Western security. Now where did I pack those bell-bottoms?