January 31, 2006

Fun Reading at the NRSC
Back in December, the National Republican Senatorial Committee--in support of Sen. Chafee--decided to try to undermine Steve Laffey's conservativism by claiming he was really a tax-and-spender. Well, by reading the comments (select "View all comments" at the aforementioned page), you'll find that a few people have tried to set them straight. Interestingly, the thread is still growing given the recent Alito vote--possibly because the NSRC has decided to put Sen. Chafee "In the Spotlight" this week. Oops--good timing guys. If nothing else, reading the comments calling for the NRSC to "wake up" can be a cathartic experience.
Meanwhile, the NRSC is making much of the fact that Michigan Democrat Senator Debbie Stabenow is supported by the radical, left-wing Emily's List and are claiming that she voted for the attempted filibuster of Alito because she is beholden to this pro-abortion organization. Apparently, NARAL isn't considered as left-wing by the NSRC. Maybe because they're the second-highest single contributor to Sen. Chafee's re-election campaign? (Here's another way to look at this data--look for yellow).
That's a curious datum. Wouldn't NARAL be better served by a Democrat? I mean, no matter how Chafee votes on the issue, NARAL's greater priority should be a Democratic majority. What does this say about the conventional wisdom that a Democrat would inevitably beat anyone but Chafee in the general election?
Posted by: ballottra at February 1, 2006 8:40 AMIt could be they're just hedging their bets. As of now, there is no data for Democrats Whitehouse or Brown at the same site, but I haven't dug too deeply. I'd suspect that NARAL plans to donate to whomever emerges on the Democrat side. Perhaps we'll have to wait for their official endorsement.
Posted by: Marc Comtois at February 1, 2006 11:53 AM