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February 29, 2012

The R.I. Republican Strike Force Has Landed

Monique Chartier

... and they are poised to storm the Campaign 2012 beach!

The formation of the Strike Force was announced last night at Perella's restaurant in Warren. The volunteer corps (no "e", Mr. President) will be the boots on the ground in the campaigns of Republican candidates for the General Assembly - to assist with events, sign waves, GOTV calls, press releases. The goal, of course, is to bring some badly needed balance to the RI General Assembly - decades of one party rule having left the state in such ... er, admirable condition.

From WPRO:

Mark Smiley, Warren GOP chair and a member of the panel said he is excited for the new group and what it will bring to the GOP. “Tonight we created a group of highly motivated volunteers and supporter’s dedicated to the RI GOP General Assembly races. In the past candidates were on their own to build these groups locally. Now they will have a contact where they can request the support that they need to get their message out. This becomes yet another advantage for candidates to step forward and run as a Republican in Rhode Island.”

Anyone intrigued by the idea of joining the RIGOP Strike Force can either call RIGOP headquarters (732-8282) or e-mail Mike Napolitano (


Not to be a killjoy, but why is this news, exactly?
Isn't it a central function of political parties to do this kind of activity anyway?
This sounds oddly like celebrating a car company's decision to actually start making cars.

Posted by: Skeptic at March 1, 2012 8:01 PM


You are correct it is the function of a political party have these supports in place.

Unfortunately, Republican candidates running for the General Assembly were pretty much on there own to recruit assistance for their own campaigns. Republican volunteers were often few and spread too thinly. This year is going to be very different. We have already put together a group of 75+ individuals and expect to double it by the summer.

The Rhode Island Republican Strike Force is made up of individuals with a wide variety of skills and abilities to support and assist candidates.

The citizens of Rhode Island have had it with over 75 years of Democrat rule in the General Assembly. The Democrats get full credit for the fact that we rank at or near the bottom in most all key categories. The time has come for change and this is but one portion of it. More to come....

Michael Napolitano
Rhode Island Republican Strike Force

Posted by: Michael Napolitano at March 4, 2012 4:11 PM