January 22, 2011

Remembering the Well Put Phrase

Justin Katz

It's a few weeks old, at this point, but Robert Plante's letter to the editor phrases Rhode Island's predicament too well to be allowed to fade so quickly into the online archives:

This is by any measure a tall order to say the least, but it would solve our problems going forward. We do not have the right people in office now to accomplish these goals on their own.

With enough persistent citizen pressure, maybe we can force the "wrong people" to do the "right thing." This will be a very formidable task.

Unfortunately, the "wrong people" have well established reasons to continue to see the wrong thing as the solution to the state's problems. That is, they've overwhelming motivation to delude themselves, and to see that "persistent citizen pressure" as wrong-headed, at best, and wickedly subversive, most probably.

We should strive to apply that pressure, but the ultimate solution is going to have to be longer term, beginning with a new generation of leaders beginning at painfully local levels.

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It's not as rational as it might initially seem for some of the players involved in corrupt, insider Rhode Island politics.

For some players, e.g. Pat Crowley, working for the state or some jerkoff public union is the obvious route because nobody running a legitimate organization would ever hire someone with no real skills and raging personality issues.

For others, RI is only a sweetheart deal in the short term. As somebody in the AG's office once put it to me - "everybody here has a story." They meant that if you were brought in as a political hack or so-and-so's brother-in-law, you'll be the first one on the chopping block when the winds change and some new corrupt administration takes over and needs your office space to shuffle in their own hacks. In another state, such people could often do much better in the long-term coming in as somebody actually qualified for the position they hold.

I was informally offered a hack position in Rhode Island this year because I "know a guy" who was swept in during the last election under Chafee. I turned it down because, yeah, it would be great for a few years or so, but under the inevitable next guy I'd be the first to get tossed out the door. I was hired to my current job on merit, so my position is more permanent than whoever happens to sell out most effectively to the dependent RI electorate in the next election.

Posted by: Dan at January 22, 2011 8:23 PM

Governor Carcieri's totally unqualified niece, should have talked to you, before she excepted the position that Carcieri "created" for her,in repayment for her work on his campaign

And Carcieri could have avoided his forth ethics violation...more than any Governor in the States history

Posted by: Sammy at January 22, 2011 11:19 PM

What's worse Sammy, hiring your niece after she worked on your campaign or hiring a campaign worker as a lawyer for the governor when he isn't licensed to practice law in this state. Did I mention we will be paying him to study for the Rhode Island Bar. Apparently Mr. Chafee feels he is above the laws in this state.

Posted by: Max Diesel at January 22, 2011 11:53 PM

sammy-what have you "excepted"recently?
Dumbass.This isn't a misspelling or typo-we all do that here;you don't know the correct word.
You're like most leftists here-you get all preachy from a position of utter ignorance.
Go join your a**hole buddy Olbermann in Never-Never Land.

Posted by: joe bernstein at January 23, 2011 7:57 AM

"Only patriots can save us in these desperate times."

Your Mr. Plante wrote this with the word "patriot" in italics. Somebody explain if you can. His letter was about the people( the wrong people) elected to office and his list of the things he would like to see implemented (the right thing) by those officials. Am I missing something. Did Mr. Plante not have an opportunity to run for office? Did he not vote for those he wished? Who in hell are these so called patriots and how would they force officeholders to do what this Mr. Plante wants?

Posted by: Phil at January 23, 2011 11:32 AM

Phil illustrates the philosophical reason why I don't vote. Voting legitimizes the outcome even if you work against it. There is no option available for people who believe that issues of individual liberty shouldn't be subject to voting in the first place. (The more practical reason is that it doesn't really change anything.)

Posted by: Dan at January 23, 2011 1:36 PM

Go join your a**hole buddy Olbermann in Never-Never Land.
Posted by joe bernstein at January 23, 2011 7:57 AM

Seriously though, the "wrong people" are the voters who are WELL aware of the scummy nature of the party which has ruled since 1934 and, out of self-interest, hypnotism or stupidity still returns them to office.

Posted by: Tommy Cranston at January 23, 2011 4:19 PM

Go join your a**hole buddy Olbermann in Never-Never Land.
Posted by joe bernstein at January 23, 2011 7:57 AM

Seriously though, the "wrong people" are the voters who are WELL aware of the scummy nature of the party which has ruled since 1934 and, out of self-interest, hypnotism or stupidity still returns them to office.

Posted by: Tommy Cranston at January 23, 2011 4:22 PM

Phil illustrates the philosophical reason why I don't vote.
Posted by Dan at January 23, 2011 1:36 PM

If I can help convince other egotistical selfish people not to vote then I think that I have contributed something to the greater good.

Posted by: Phil at January 24, 2011 10:21 AM

Phil - it's funny that you call me egotistical when you immediately take credit for something upon which you have had no effect one way or the other.

Posted by: Dan at January 24, 2011 12:01 PM


You scored a point on that one. Do you plan on voting now that you have escaped RI?

Posted by: Phil at January 25, 2011 6:21 AM
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