August 20, 2010

Extremists Among Us

Justin Katz

You know, it's stories like this that make the ACLU — periodically correct positions notwithstanding — seem like an extremist group:

The ACLU claims [Woonsocket public schools' dress code] policy, adopted April 14, violates the right to free speech by prohibiting students from expressing their views on any topic.

"Uniforms may be useful in prison and the military," said John W. Dineen, a lawyer for the ACLU, "but they are totally out of place in our public schools and a diversion from the more challenging steps that must be taken in an effort to better those schools."

This is entirely in keeping with the mentality that has burdened our education system. The policy isn't a uniform, per se, but a narrow restriction on color and style, not unlike workplace dress codes, and if the people charged with educating children believe that it will decrease distractions and increase concentration, then the notion that there's a constitutional guarantee to wear anything while receiving a publicly funded education is absurd.

The children of the adults who've filed as plaintiffs should be embarrassed, and donors to the ACLU should question whether the organization isn't already overly flush with resources.

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Uh, oh! Somebody tell Monique. She's reading from the wrong libretto! Unlike you guys, the ACLU is at least consistent in their advocacy versus the whole right-wing nut outrage of the day and subsequent memory hole.

The children of the adults who've filed as plaintiffs should be embarrassed...

Are you listening DePetro and Mr. and Mrs. Morales? Justin just called you out! And kids, it's not too late to get your Stabby McKnife tee-shirts!

Posted by: Russ at August 20, 2010 1:44 PM

Russ-I have seen more inconsistency in the ACLu's positions on a number of issues than you'd believe.
I wouldn't waste my time to explain them however,because you have your mind set in concrete about the "right wing".
The ACLU was founded by a socialist who opposed national sovereignty on principle-Roger Baldwin.
I have been up against the ACLU in a civil suit where they suborned perjury and used tactics that were right from the bottom of the toilet.
I could sh*t care less what you think,but I know what happened.

Posted by: joe bernstein at August 20, 2010 2:39 PM

A socialist? Gasp!

Posted by: Russ at August 20, 2010 3:05 PM

Not to mention known socialist and ACLU founder, Hellen Keller! Who doesn't hate her, right?

Posted by: Russ at August 20, 2010 3:16 PM

Russ-typical non-answer from the left.
The ACLU tries to justify themselves by defending some neo-Nazis but avoiding any normal right of center people.
People like Russ took the Democratic Party into the sewer.He's 9th Ward Chairman.Trouble is,there are still Democrats who won't live in his "party line" world.

Posted by: joe bernstein at August 20, 2010 6:51 PM

The ACLU tries to justify themselves by defending some neo-Nazis but "avoiding any normal right of center people".

Posted by joe bernstein at August 20, 2010 6:51 PM

Rush Limbaugh

Posted by: Sammy at August 20, 2010 8:14 PM

Aren't they defending Katz and his comrades in the TCC?

Posted by: triplerichard at August 20, 2010 8:53 PM

Sammy-it's all a show with them-they bend to the left 98% of the time.Occasionally they handle a problem that is non-partisan or non-political in terms of right or left.Their stated intent in their founder's view was to establish a one world system.You sound like you'd go for that.
One worlders and socialists are pipe dreamers and when they start undermining society they do real damage.
Hell with them.

Posted by: joe bernstein at August 20, 2010 9:29 PM

So Russ, You admit that in order to agree with the ACLU you'd have to be deaf dumb and blind?

Posted by: bobc at August 22, 2010 1:59 PM
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