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August 11, 2009

The Bill of Federalism: Amendment #5

Carroll Andrew Morse

The fifth proposed Amendment in the Bill of Federalism seeks to reverse various encroachments on the freedom of expression…

The freedom of speech and press includes any contribution to political campaigns or to candidates for public office; and shall be construed to extend equally to any medium of communication however scarce.
The meaning of this one is pretty direct, as the proposal's author, Professor Randy Barnett, explains…
The fifth proposed amendment makes it clear that the freedom of speech and press now protected by the First Amendment extends equally to all media, including for example radio and television, as well as to financial contributions to political candidates and campaigns.

The earlier proposed amendments...


"the First Amendment extends equally to all media, including for example radio and television" The major distinction between Radio, TV and newspapers is that Radio and TV are "liscensed".

Interesting how that happened, ever wonder why radio doesn't still belong to Mr. Marconi (did you notice in the film "Titanic" that all of the radio operators wear Marconi uniforms)? Have you noticed that only government officals refer to "air waves" (Google that one "not used technically"). The reason is that they could not claim control of "radio waves", because they didn't exist until MR. Marconi invented them, So, the governments decided that "radio waves" travel on the "air waves". The "air waves are, of course, publicly owned. So, if you want your radio wave to travel on the air waves, you need a license. Unless testifying before Congress, you will never hear a scientist use the term "air waves".

Posted by: Warrington Faust at August 11, 2009 10:13 PM