April 6, 2009

Anchor Rising's Top 10 Right-of-Center Rhode Islanders: On the Cusp

Justin Katz

What's particularly interesting about compiling a ranking of Rhode Islanders on the right is that there turned out to be such a close grouping that most of the list is subject to change with ease:

  • Joe Trillo's run for governor will surely increase his prominence and, therefore, his ability to affect the news cycle.
  • Harry Staley and RISC are working diligently to build up a grassroots taxpayer movement in the state, and as budgetary woes continue, RISC's profile will surely increase.
  • John Loughlin's status as House Minority Whip and hints of a run for higher office could launch him into the top 10.
  • 2009 could be the year that the RIGOP turns things around, moving a stronger spotlight to Gio Cicione.
  • If the immigration issue escalates, Terry Gorman of RIILE stands ready to make his case.
  • Travis Rowley's Young Republicans could play a unifying role on the right.
  • A few legal and political wins for Ken Block's Moderate Party are possible catalysts on his end.
  • Helen Glover will surely continue her efforts, and the right combination of issues and appearances are a distinct possibility.
  • And let's face it: with such a minority standing and such a wide open field, all of the names of which you can think (and many of which you can't) have every chance of rocketing through the ranks.

As for us Anchorites, well, assuming that our continual year-over-year readership growth continues and our involvement behind the scenes and appearances in other media increase, we'll be in there somewhere our official list, although we'll leave it to others to go so far as to place us on a public ranking.

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I like the grouping of people in this article.

Terry Gorman deserves all the credit possibly afforded to his efforts regarding immigration law enforcement. He works tirelessly to educate those who aren't current with illegal immigration.

I personally know Terry and he's unnerved in his quest to make our officials ENFORCE the current immigration laws.

Posted by: Roland at April 6, 2009 9:43 AM

I know Terry and I respect him for working hard to keep an important issue in front of the public without succumbing to hysteria.Terry researches everything he states.
Unfortunately Terry has been smeared by some local bloggers and politicians.
Terry wants the current laws to be enforced.What is wrong with that?The people who badmouth him seemingly have no respect for the law themselves even though some are "lawmakers".What a joke.
They are entitled to try changing the law by legislation,but they should respect the law that exists now because they did take an oath to uhold the law of the land.

Posted by: joe bernstein at April 6, 2009 8:00 PM
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