November 7, 2008

The Sounds of Victory, Part 1

Justin Katz

As a supplement to our liveblogging of election night, I thought I might as well release significant audio from my evening at the RI Democrats' Providence Biltmore. Here's the first batch:

Providence Mayor David Cicilline (Dem. Chair Bill Lynch intro): stream, download
Representative Patrick Kennedy: stream, download
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: stream, download

As I've cropped the long audio files down to the individual speeches, it's been interesting to compare the graph lines of the recordings. Kennedy had brief spurts with an applause line every minute — almost exactly. Whitehouse, well, you can guess how that one looked.

For part 2, I've got Langevin, Reed, Patrich Lynch, and whatever else I may have captured along the way.

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Did you happen to catch the cheers that erupted once it was declared that Obama won?

Posted by: Ame at November 8, 2008 3:27 PM
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