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April 17, 2008

Job Performance Evaluation of the R.I. Attorney General

Monique Chartier

In a letter to the Providence Journal, Mr. Dennis Odell of Smithfield gives him a "U" for Unsatisfactory.

The other week, Rhode Island Atty. Gen. Patrick Lynch publicly opposed an offshore LNG terminal (“Lynch blasts LNG plan,” April 3). What does this have to do with law enforcement?

Last month he supported Sen. Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination. What does this have to do with law enforcement?

When is Mr. Lynch going to enforce the laws of the state of Rhode Island and deal with illegal immigrants? Why isn’t Mr. Lynch ferreting out the illegal activities and corruption of state legislators, local politicians, businessmen, etc., instead of letting the federal government do the work?

He seems to be very vocal on issues that don’t shine on his area of responsibility and relatively quiet about upholding and enforcing the law. I would like to see Mr. Lynch carry out the duties of his office.


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Posted by: Citizen Critic at April 17, 2008 4:13 PM

Why would you want him to do his job? When he to do his job, he screws it up. Look at what he did to the victims of the fire!

The guilty party (fire inspector) is let off the hook and now enjoys a life of leisure with his pension and benefits while the victims and their families continue to suffer.

If that's an example of the job he does, let him go on the road for Barak, we'll all be better off.

Posted by: John at April 17, 2008 4:22 PM

--The guilty party (fire inspector) is let off the hook and now enjoys a life of leisure with his pension and benefits while the victims and their families continue to suffer.

You're assuming that this wasn't intentional on Lynch's part.

The Democrat public employees protect each other.

Posted by: Ragin' Rhode Islander at April 17, 2008 6:28 PM

The guy's a lightweight.

He's going nowhere.

No, he will never be Governor.

Posted by: bam in barrington at April 17, 2008 11:10 PM

Lynch's biggest issues were the station fire and the smoke shop raid. He screwed them both up royally.

His only accomplishment was to put a quote from Spiderman on the side of a government building.

I might vote for Lynch if he were running for student council or hall monitor, but he's got a long way to go if he wants to be taken seriously by grown ups. Of course, in his mind he only needs to be taken seriously by Obama.

Posted by: Anthony at April 18, 2008 4:50 AM