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January 11, 2008

Bringing Rhode Island Class and Values to a National Campaign

Carroll Andrew Morse

The political blog of the San Francisco Chronicle relays a story told by Hillary Clinton campaign chairman Terry McAuliffe abount an unnamed Democratic dissident less-than-enthusiastic about the Clinton political machine...

Just one of McAuliffe's fond memories: ''We were all sitting at the Cafe Milano the night [John Kerry] wrapped up the [2004 Presidential nomination,] and a group of top Kerry campaign people came in, and I sent over a bottle of champagne,'' he wrote…
The group of Kerry aides drinking the champagne...raised their glasses to toast me from a few tables away, to thank me for the bottle....I raised my glass to them as well.

'Now we can get rid of McAuliffe and get control of the money,' a drunk Kerry fund-raiser from Rhode Island said, loud enough to be overheard.

A top Kerry media consultant nodded, but held up his hand to silence the inebriated Kerry fund-raiser.

McAuliffe's final jab: ''So as they were drinking my champagne, they were already plotting to get their hands on the DNC bank account.''


From Rhode Island??

Ooo, the temptation to speculate.

Posted by: Monique at January 11, 2008 2:26 PM

Before reading anything Terry McAuliffe says, arm yourself with a salt shaker first.

Posted by: rhody at January 11, 2008 3:16 PM