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December 4, 2006

Citizens with Full Names of a Unique Nature Unite!

Carroll Andrew Morse

Somehow the fact that Illinois Senator and potential 2008 Presidential contender Barrack Obama’s middle name is “Hussein” became a minor story this weekend. (I think Maureen Dowd is to blame).

In the spirit of bi-partisanship, let me state that I believe that worrying about whether someone’s middle, first, or last names fits into certain transient social conventions is the height of narrow-mindedness and a symptom of a culture, perhaps an entire society, in decline.


>>... the height of narrow-mindedness and a symptom of a culture, perhaps an entire society, in decline ...

And could not the same be said concerning folks voting for someone just because of their name ... such as "Kennedy" or "Chafee"?

Posted by: Tom W at December 4, 2006 4:13 PM

Tom W
Voting for someone because of their name
Jeb Bush..Goerge Bush

Posted by: ron at December 5, 2006 1:14 AM