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August 3, 2005

Senator Reed's Position on UN Reform

Carroll Andrew Morse

Well, sort of....

Senator Reed’s deputy press secretary left a message in response to my call on UN reform this morning. Senator Reed’s respectable, though not very informative, position is to refrain from commenting until a specific UN reform proposal comes out of the foreign relations committee.

I had also asked if the events of the Bolton nomination would effect the Senator’s willingness to trust the President with broad powers to withhold UN dues. The Senator’s spokesman did not comment on this part of my question. (Nothing in this post should be construed as implying that the Senator’s staff is being less than 100% forthcoming in providing the Senator’s position. I am just pointing out that a position does not seem to exist yet.)

The details of the UN reform proposals can be found here. In the Senate, the Hyde-Pence bill has been designated S1394.